Compare to this simulation of a modern Patriot intercept (warning: gets very loud and stressful as it has all the warning sirens):
"How the patriot missile works (include paid promotion)"
raytheon is really trying to hit those quarter projections.
the submission from 2021 had a "Let's Play" stream showing the thing https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=26125294 (it's also toward the bottom of the sites page but the YT player is black with an error)
I'm glad those mediafire links are still live because the multiple wayback snapshots are basically bogus due to the extensive use of JS to make the real URL :-(
I own a copy of Paul Zarchan's 'Tactial and Strategic Missile Guidance: An Introduction'. The maths is probably beyond me at this stage but I was always interested in how guided missiles actually work.
There's some awesome youtube videos that teardown guided missiles to identify what goes into them, one i watched was packed with fpga chips, ah, a Javelin: https://youtu.be/11_5TB0-lNw
I wasn't even looking for it I think it got recommended because I like videos about Apollo and Soyez, same thing essentially :D
If you're also curious about how guided missiles do their business after arriving at the target, I found this an interesting read:
"Tactical Missile Warheads" by Joseph Carleone
It's available via Library Genesis if you don't want to make an interlibrary loan request.
>It's available via Library Genesis if you don't want to make an interlibrary loan request.
This made me chuckle. Way to fast track having homeland security audit your checkout history.
I stumbled across it while looking up flash radiography for nuclear weapons :-)
Reminds me of Dangerous Waters, a submarine/sonar simulator: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wNFcTKo-eVY&t=447s
I stumbled across this a few weeks ago. It’s an amazing systems simulator.
The biggest thing I took away from it is that SAM missile crews may have one of the toughest jobs on the battlefield.
> SAM missile crews may have one of the toughest jobs on the battlefield.
If so, then SEAD ought to be a worthwhile investment.
What are the lead times on (a) a SAM battery, and (b) a SAM operator?
Too long on (a) - but there are workarounds that require creativity. See "FrankenSAM".
Also, interceptors! Ammunition is something that always runs out either quicker or much quicker or much much quicker than anticipated when shit hits the fan. Because of that I do think we should have a lot more NASAMS constructed, packed up in storage and waiting for the next crisis, as there it's hard to run out of the AMRAAM ammo.
This is a deja vu. Did you post this exact comment earlier to the same link, posted days ago?
Are the timestamps messed up? It says 35 min ago for me for your post and 2h for the article.
It was originally posted two days ago (click on "past" to see the original date). Mods sometimes resurface content that didn't get traction.
Ah ok. I got really confused.
That's an artifact of HN's re-upping system. The system is described at https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=26998308 and links back from there. About the timestamps, there are past explanations here: https://hn.algolia.com/?dateRange=all&page=0&prefix=true&que.... I hope that will make sense.
Sorry for the confusion—I know it's weird but the alternative turns out to be even more confusing and we've never figured out how to square that circle!
How cool would it be to have this integrated with DCS.
does it include The SAM Song?
Excellent documentation:
> How can I score points?
No points are given during game play, as in reality.
A strange game. The only winning move is not to play.
One of my favourite movies!
How about a nice game of chess?
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You're not fooling me, I've seen Ender's Game! Not gonna play it.
(a) we know parrots enjoy not only social media, but playing video games
(b) parrots have better visual acuity than humans
(c) a parrot's mess is cheap: they eat like, well, birds
(d) ???
(e) profit from the military-industrial complex
[compare The Game of Rat and Dragon (1955)]
Well, we already tried pigeon-guided missiles…
These were rendered obsolete by shark-mounted lasers.
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Crafted by Rajat
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