Looks like a great article - would catch alot more attention with more images and maybe videos of Menger sponges right at the top so people know what they are.
I am interested in your feedback but to fight back a little... The title image is a Menger Sponge, the ShaderToy link is an animated journey of the article*, and the article itself contains ~35 images.
Maybe I should have frontloaded more images?
*It's fully embedded on my personal blog here: https://lucodivo.github.io/menger_sponge.html
Edit: I think I see what you're talking about. Maybe I should be explaining/showing briefly what a Menger Sponge is?
Edit 2: Added a tiny section at the top with a couple pictures describing what a Menger Sponge is. Much appreciated.
It's for sure a comprehensive walk-through of many of the basic SDF construction primitives.
Hey, I'm the author. Thanks for posting this here!
Thank you, great tutorial on SDF and ray marching!
Crafted by Rajat
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